Thursday, June 29, 2006

Trailer - Borat Movie!

..coming in november. i looked it up because yesterday mike, sarah, and i went to see superman, and there was a 10 foot cutout of borat's head with him holding an american flag in the lobby. there were no words, so i thought it might just be a random funny thing they had at that theatre. luckily, it's actually a movie.. and the trailer just hit. it's directed by larry charles, who has directed and produced curb your enthusiasm. according to the imdb forums, it's just started to test screen, and people are all "OMG, this movie is gonna be HUGE!"

Link to Youtube video


Shein said...

nice! how was superman?

Unknown said...


I love when they pan away from the car and there is a horse attached to it. Such a good album.

Mike said...

superman was eh. cool action scenes, but a little long and overall, unexciting.
