Monday, February 26, 2007


Hi Grouputers. So, I believe I have successfully converted the blog to the new format, as required by 'the google' (which owns and runs blogger). Apparently, you now have to sign in to blogger using a google account. So if you don't have one, you'll have to make one. I think it should be a pretty straightfoward process. Just sign in to blogger as you normally would, and follow the directions. Leave a comment in this post if things get screwed up.

Now let's get back to postin, crew!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


wish i owned money.

Friday, February 09, 2007

new pictures up!

super fireworks

Was anybody else under the impression that America had a different relationship with Anna Nicole Smith?

Namely that she was a scumbag?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

go devin go

as sad as I am with losing the superbowl, I could watch this replay over and over again and it will never cease to make me smile.

Four Years Ago Today

"It could last, you know, six days, six weeks. I doubt six months. "

-U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, one month before the invasion of Iraq
