Friday, April 23, 2010

How Bout A Post For April?

Here's the video that plays before Conan comes out on stage during his national tour:

Also, here's what was going on in Boulder, CO on Tuesday. Sometime in the afternoon:

Another also, I tried tweaking the template of the blog a little, since videos seemed to always be getting cut off and stuff. Unfortunately, tweaking the template didn't work for that, but it's at least a little cleaner now. If anyone knows how to move the right column with the archives and stuff over a little further, that'd be sweet. For the time being, when I'm embedding a youtube video, I'm selecting "embed" and then "blogger" from the little pop out list. The videos fit now, but there's no goddamn fullscreen button!

So just click that shit twice to take you directly to youtube till we figure this out :)
