Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Conan: Park Ridge Vs. Des Plaines

EDIT: clip removed by youtube. can now be seen here


Horse said...

youtube took it down :( i hear nbc is on their case. bunch of bitches.. honestly, what are they losing out on by letting people watch some 2 year old conan sketches that won't even see rerun daylight? do they actually want people to forget about awesome conan bits? oy!

Shein said...

here is the actual text from nbc's website:

'Now, instead of searching the web for "borrowed" NBC highlights, you can go to the source!'

too bad it takes them an uber long time to get things posted.

Shein said...

they have it archived on conan's website, click here

Then go to Highlights > Video Moments

It is on page 22.

Horse said...

that's a sweet page.. unfortunately, it requires a PC to view.. it's all plugin'd up to high hell.

The page “ > Screening Room” has content of MIME type “application/x-oleobject”. Because you don’t have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can’t be displayed.

why don't these so-called web 'masters' use at least flash for video?
