Friday, April 07, 2006

What up girls?!

Greetings from the southwest,

How are all y'all doing?

I'm about to go to San Diego with the National Honors Society kids this weekend. Oooh, fun! Did we ever get taken to San Diego?!

Anyway, I'm back in my house and the old phone number is operational. And, the best email to reach me is

I'll talk to you soon,

p.s. I got an iPod recently, mainly because of ABC's incessant pestering on the subject. It's so awesome! Especially while ripped. Shuffle that shit for me baby!

1 comment:

Walker said...

yo work it girl!!

good to hear from you man. it's been awhile. i think i had a bum phone number for you for awhile, but now you're back and situated. have fun in SD.
