Thursday, March 27, 2008

A More Perfect Union

I know this happened a week ago, but now that I've watched it three times I think it's worth posting. I don't really know anything about Obama, but there is no doubt this is an incredibly refreshing speech. If you've only heard about it, to me it was definitely worth the 37 minutes it takes to watch the real thing. Again, I don't really know anything about if for some reason there is some major hatred going his way amongst our crew...just uhm, pretend it's someone else talking. Pretend it's me, with blackface.

Also as a side note, I wanted to show Nance this clip, but she only has Zurich e-mail.  Therefore, to get it to her so she could watch at home where YouTube is not blocked, I had to send it to my dad.  So, to preempt his bullshit, I pulled up Hannity on Fox News to see his response to the speech and found this gem.  Antisemite?  When did Jews even get involved in this?  Oh wait, it was at 7:20 when Obama defends Israel.  That Nazi.


Mike said...

Pat, you are so not living in the US right now (that speech was all the rage last week, on all the talk shows, etc.). Nice work. Also, don't worry, I like Obama, too.

I have absolutely no idea what to make of that picture of you. Unless that plant growing outside your apartment is the mutha-f***in chronic.

Gibbons said...'s blackface!

jk said...

I want him inside me....not because he's a great man who will lead this nation to new levels of Democracy with a capital D; not because he is a master of oration on the level of Plato; not even because he's so damn dreamy...but because he loves "The Wire".
