Saturday, April 05, 2008


I internet a lot about Africa these days and it led me to this cool website, Worldmapper.

There is a good demonstration of how it can be used in that video starting a third of the way through the video (9:30).  Basically, it creates inflated world maps based on information such as population, GDP, disease, income, education, etc.  In that demo you can see Africa sucking and China blowing up like crazy, but either way, just clicking around the website is fun too.  "Thumbnail Index" is a good place to start.
Also, on that TedTalks website, the Dave Eggers TED Prize Wish presentation is really entertaining.  What a crackhead Dave Eggers is.  It's about writing Mariz and JK it obviously made me think of you two.

1 comment:

jk said...

Dave Eggers is a talentless nutsack.
