Wednesday, August 15, 2007

To The Antiwar Left

What is your opinion of this essay?


jk said...

Forgetting the grammar and word usage issues that plague this essay for a moment, I think it raises some really important points. We're too polarized, we're too "my side vs. your side", we're too bi-polar, etc. I think looking at some alternatives to the two-party system is a necessary and hopeful consequence of the corruption and bullshit of the past, what? Five administrations? Six? All of them?
I say bring back the Whigs and the Tories, ya carpetbaggin' prick, ya.

Walker said...

I think there should be no parties. They may as well be called "teams." Identification with teams stifles reason and dissent and only serves, as you point out, to polarize and keep people divided from agreeing upon what is reasonable, desirable, and "correct," as in true.

like Gruff Rhys sang:

Out of focus ideology
Keep the masses from majority
Experts, brain washed, tumble dried
Left to bleed whilst vultures glide

that pretty much sums it up.
