Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Wolf Blitzer has a short interview with Ron Paul about his "gaffe" at the most recent GOP presidential debate.



Mike said...

From what I've read about this guy, Paul, I like him. But, electable? Probably not.

Walker said...


What a tricky word. It's a telling fact that in this media-political climate, "electable" does not mean what it by all accounts should: A candidate that the American people can get behind and respect. If Ron Paul isn't electable, its not because the people wouldn't or can't vote for him. He is seen as not electable because he doesn't take special interest money or pander,and as a result, the media treats him like some crazy pederast who's exposing himself to eight year olds, rather than a 10 term statesman who actually knows what he's talking about.

Shein said...

i just got a chance to watch this. the uproarious applause after giuliani's comment is laughable. definitely liked the fact that he does not succumb to the bullying. how is he doing in the polls?
