Thursday, October 05, 2006

wha happen?

hey, anybody know what's goin on with all the missing photos and youtube players from the blog? I tried republishing the site, and searching for "blogger missing photos" and whatnot, but I can't find anything.


Gibbons said...

I noticed that last night when I checked the blog...but everything appears to be find now?

Gibbons said...

As I reload and all the pictures disappear. I spoke too soon. The YouTube clips are showing up for me though.

Mike said...

the only thing i'm wondering about is where "wha happen?" comes from. what's that from?! i just remember it's hilarious.

Horse said...

party.. it's working for me now. guess it was a blogger thing, and not something one of us did.

oh, the 'wha happen' is a made-up catchphrase that fred willard's character said he coined in the movie 'a mighty wind'

Mike said...

that's right! i totally forgot about that. i have to watch that movie again... f-in' hilarious.
