Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Madden '07 for Wii: 9 minutes of gameplay!

man, the wii is gonna be so unreal

Link to Youtube video

coffee and tv

maggie and i brought back some really nice coffee back from bali.

a few concerns:

1. not sure how many of you drink coffee
2. not sure how many of you that drink coffee have coffee grinders
3. not sure we have enough bags for those of you who drink coffee

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This just keeps getting more and more fucked up.

These are two aerial satellite photos from Google earth showing the US Naval Base on Coronado, CA, the base where the SEALs train. If you look at just about dead center of the top picture you can see what is magnified in the bottom picture. Before I posted this I googled the fuck out of it myself. Those aren't fake pictures. Just googlemaps Coronado, CA, find the little peninsula knub that's just off the road-bridge part near the main island of Coronado and see for yourself.

So now the question is, is this significant? Does this matter, does it mean anything, or is it some completely fucked up coincidence? It's obviously a dormitory-type barracks purposefully constructed to resemble a swastika from the air. You can't build something like that and reasonably say "Oh my, I didn't realize it was a perfect swastika, the layout just really made sense for what we needed."

So WTF, US Navy, and by extension the Pentagon that gives it its construction budget.

...... here to follow the white rabbit...


back with a vengeance

infinity pool

so we are back from the other side of the world, doing suprisingly well with respect to jet lag. posted some pics up on flickr with a few more yet to be added that need post-processing. i'm going to take my try at some HDR with some pics i took at the four seasons. also, you have not lived life until you have lived in a four seasons hotel. my sister betty explains the experience pretty well on her blog.

Vodka, poles, and planes

I just thought this was hilarious...

CHICAGO (AP) - A 41-year-old would-be smoker is facing federal
charges after wreaking havoc on an international flight last week.
Officials say that four hours into Friday's flight from Warsaw
to Chicago, Polish national Tomasz Soltys demanded that flight
attendants open a door so that he could smoke a cigarette.
A federal complaint says after making the door demand, Soltys
hit a fellow passenger across the face and threatened a flight
attendant with a vodka bottle.
The plane's captain eventually became involved and helped to
subdue Soltys and tie him down using seat belts.
Soltys has been charged with interfering with the duties of
flight attendants. a related story, Voytek, my domestically abusive Polish neighbor down the hall, moved out of my building yesterday. Had I been holding a lit match, his breath would've caught fire.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Jak się masz?

Friday, August 25, 2006

Laptop, we hardly knew ye!

I sold my first child on ebay yesterday.. so hard, but it was time. Thought you guys would get a kick out of seeing the old honker on the auction block. It sold in an hour and fifty-two minutes with "buy-it-now", after being looked at only 3 times!

And IIIIIIIIIIIIeeIII, will always love yoooooouuuuuuuuuoooooo!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

AOL Leak

If anyone hasn't heard...through some mishap, AOL leaked the search records of a ton of their customers. I'm not really sure on any details as I don't care...but somehow ended up at who had the "Search Records of Customer 16006693" on their webpage.

The progression is so hilarious. I'm really hoping they were going for "Hezbollah" with both "his bullets" and "his bullies".

EDIT: This is also fun if you need to waste more time.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

wet wookiee

bat out of hell
we took chewie to montrose beach.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

once again, posting from the laptop*

this is a link to the recording of a speech given by JFK in 1961. It is lighthearted for the first several minutes, but when he gets to the point you will know. please listen.

*See the "note:" in the "Am I Crazy?" post.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Am I Crazy?

So I went to, the site Kevin Barrett mentioned on the Hannity and Colmes clip, and this is what I think:

I agree with Dr. Barrett.

Check out the site and the various others it will lead you to and judge for yourself. Be sure to check this one out,
(wonder what Saul would have to say about this)

and also this one, despite the apparent insanity of the last three words of the URL, published in October 2003 by what appears to be the "Nation's Oldest Newspaper" (predating the Declaration of Independence by 20 years). It doesn't directly link to 9/11 but it is quite the read.

So I'm either crazy or these people are right and Bush is a tyrannical criminal. Which one is it? Is there a middle ground? Am I missing something? I really think these are important things to figure out, but, then again, I could be crazy.

Note: For some reason, when posting from my laptop, I don't have any options for composition other than the "ABC" with the check under it (spellcheck) and the "post image" icon, so you'll have to copy and paste to go to the sites.

"Insane" UW Madison Professor Kevin Barrett

Yo Team. Take the 15 or so minutes to watch or just listen to this interview from WISC-TV's "For the Record." It's quite an eye-opener, or eye-squinter, but you will not remain unmoved. Please comment on your take on this whole issue.

And for further viewing entertainment...peep dis
